Friday, August 28, 2009

Love After Marriage

Why is it that couples lose their love for one another after marriage?

A lot of times we just settle and stop doing all the little things that once were so important to keep the flame burning. It's almost like we conquered a goal and we feel there is nothing more to do. Well this is the wrong type of thinking. You have to keep working on your relationship all the time. I am sure you have heard this before but do you practice it?

Today is a good day to do a little something special for your significant other. Maybe a quick little : I love you email with a sentence line of "what I appreciate about you"? Or maybe, have a bottle of wine ready for your loved one when he/she get home from work. Surprise dates are also wonderful. There are so many little things one can do to keep their mate interested in their marriage. Remember that marriage is not about being selfish.

I have been married for 9 Years and we choose to always do little things together. Things like have a movie night or having a late night snack together. It doesn't matter how silly the activities are, they make our love stronger because it is about making one another happy.

I hope that this little tip stays in your heart for many years to come. Best Wishes!


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